Our Pod Take-back Program

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Together, we can build a more sustainable future


We are on a mission to create a more sustainable future. We are excited to invite you to be a part of our new Pod take-back program pilot.* Send us back your used Pods and we will responsibly dispose of them with the planet in mind.

Getting started is easy.
  1. Put your used Pods in the provided return kit.
  2. We will dispose of the Pods in a responsible manner.
  3. To continue to receive return packaging kits, please complete this form.
Pod shown without necessary adhesive
* At the moment, this pilot program is only available to residents of Massachusetts.

View Frequently Asked Questions

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Why are you offering a take-back pilot?

How do I participate in the take-back pilot?

Does participation in the pilot cost money?

How do I get a take-back return kit? / How do I send you my used Pods?

What do I do if I never received a take-back return kit?

How many Pods can I send back at a time?

Do I need to clean my Pods before shipment? / Do I have to do anything to my Pods before I dispose of them?

How long will this pilot run for? / How long will product take-back be available?

Where do I drop off my take-back return kit once it’s ready to ship?

Can I use my own packaging to ship back my pods?

Can I send my PDM back with my Pods? / Can I send you other diabetes devices, like my CGM?

My Pod is damaged-do I still send it back?

How can I keep my Pods out of the landfill if this take-back pilot isn’t available to me? / When will the pilot be available in my area? / Is this pilot open to all geographic locations.

What will you do with the returned Pods? / How will Insulet be disposing of the Pods? / Will my Pods be recycled? / Will my Pods be reused?

Does Insulet make any money from these returned Pods?

Do I get anything in return for participating in this pilot?

What if there is more than one person in the household that uses Omnipod®?

Is there somewhere I can drop my used Pods off rather than send in the mail?

How is this different from Insulet's previous Product Take-back program?

I am an Insulet customer but did not receive an email about the Pod take-back pilot, why?/ Someone I know received an email about the Pod take-back pilot but I did not, why?

What types of Pods are available to be sent back in the take-back pilot?

I returned my first kit full of Pods, how do I get another kit?/Is there a way to sign up for recurring shipments?