Educational Resources on Diabetes

Living with diabetes or loving someone who has diabetes requires plenty of energy: it shouldn’t require going back to school for a medical degree. Our expert team of health care professionals recognize the importance of supporting and collaborating with people living with diabetes (and their families) who seek useful, evidence-based information to manage daily life with diabetes. We know how empowering useful, clear and easily accessible  information can be – and how frustrating and overwhelming it can be when that information isn’t easy to find. As part of our commitment to the diabetes community, we’ve assembled a set of key resources on insulin pump therapy, nutrition, certified diabetes care and education specialists (CDCES) and other key topics that can help people with diabetes and their loved ones to develop an informed, sustainable approach to living with the disease. 

Insulin pump therapy

Some people with diabetes require treatment with insulin. An insulin pump is a small device that is worn directly on the body or clipped to a waistband.  Unlike daily insulin shots, insulin pumps deliver continuous insulin all day long, depending on your insulin needs.  

Omnipod - Type 1 Diabetes Omnipod - Type 1 Diabetes

Pump therapy for Type 1 diabetes

People with Type 1 Diabetes often have a lifetime’s experience trying to understand and evaluate new treatment options, medical advice and insulin therapy devices and methods, but finding trustworthy information in the age of the internet can be daunting. We want to make it easier to find reliable, clear information about what Insulin Pump Therapy is, the technology behind it and the benefits it offers people with Type 1 Diabetes: our guide to Insulin Pump Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes draws on the expertise of medical professionals to offer these insights to anyone curious about the topic.

Omnipod - Type 2 Diabetes Omnipod - Type 2 Diabetes

Pump therapy for Type 2 diabetes

For people diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, insulin therapy can seem like a permanent compromise to their quality of life. However, thanks to breakthroughs in insulin pump therapy – including tubeless options – an active life full of rewarding hobbies, relationships, travel, intimacy and other precious experiences is more accessible than ever for people living with Type 2 Diabetes. Our guide to Insulin Pump Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes clarifies the technology behind insulin pump therapy, the reasons why it is a reliable and empowering option for many and the benefits it can bring for people living with Type 2 Diabetes.

Omnipod - Children with diabetes Omnipod - Children with diabetes

Pump therapy for children

Childhood is a time of adventure, activity and joy, and diabetes doesn’t have to change that. If you are raising or caring for a child with diabetes and are interested in how insulin pump therapy might simplify their life and yours, our guide to insulin pump therapy for children will help you better understand this exciting technology and the difference it can make in the life of a child living with diabetes.

What is hyperglycemia?

Often referred to as high blood sugar, hyperglycemia occurs when a person has abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood. Most of the time this happens when insulin levels are low or when insulin is not being used efficiently by the body. Symptoms include increased thirst, fatigue, and headaches, among others. For people with diabetes, hyperglycemia can be triggered by a diet heavy in carbohydrates, not enough exercise, or failure to take any necessary medications.

Diabetes nutrition and meal planning

A diabetes diagnosis may mean learning about which foods affect your blood glucose levels, and the best ways to plan meals while broadening your knowledge of nutrition and health. Along with mindful and intuitive eating, these concepts are key to make sure you enjoy food while providing you with key nutritional information to help guide you on your journey with diabetes.

Frequently asked questions

Because we know there are just as many different questions about diabetes as there are different experiences for people living with diabetes, we’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions and topics not already covered in our other informational resources to help you quickly find answers to whatever questions you might have. And if you have a question that isn’t answered in our FAQ, let us know and we will do our best to give you the answers you seek.

Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

A Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) is a credentialed health care professional (i.e. nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, physician, exercise physiologist, optometrist, mental health professional or other) who can collaborate with you and help you manage and thrive with diabetes. In order to obtain the CDCES credential, one must meet eligibility requirements including many hours of working directly with people living with diabetes and passing a comprehensive exam. CDCESs are an integral part of the health care team, and advocate for people who live with diabetes. Health care professionals, including CDCESs are active and essential members of the outstanding Omnipod team, providing support and education for people living with diabetes and their families.

If you would like to partner with a CDCES, please reach out. If you are interested in attending a diabetes education program, please contact ADCES.

Learn more about Pod Therapy

Not sure if Pod Therapy is right for you? Learn more about the benefits of Omnipod and how you can simplify life with Diabetes.