Omnipod® for Young Adults.

With no multiple daily injections and no tubes, Omnipod simplifies diabetes for young and busy people. With so much on your horizon, you deserve to put diabetes management where it belongs—in the background. Each Pod can be worn for up to 3 days (up to 72 hours) of continuous insulin, so multiple daily injections won’t get in the way of all your daily activities. 

Focus on your dreams, not your diabetes.

Maybe college is on the horizon. Or you’re moving into your own place for the first time. Whatever it is, you have enough on your plate. Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System is the only tubeless automated insulin delivery system that integrates with Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to automatically adjust insulin delivery every 5 minutes.

Made for adventure.

Your weekend bucket list deserves your attention. And with Omnipod, you can jump in. Whether you’re passionate about daily runs, camping, swimming or hiking, Omnipod is built to keep up. 

  • It’s waterproof*: Shower, swim, snorkel and surf 
  • It’s durable: Ideal for the physical demands of day-to-day life 
  • It’s long-lasting: 3 days (up to 72 hours) of insulin delivery per Pod 
*The Pod has an IP28 rating for up to 25 feet for 60 minutes. The PDM (Personal Diabetes Manager) is not waterproof.

Simplify mealtime math.

Never back down from another brunch. Omnipod changes your relationship with food by simplifying the mealtime math. Every Omnipod system comes with a built-in bolus calculator. And with Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, you get the SmartBolus Calculator, the only bolus calculator that integrates your CGM value and trend.  

The Perks of Omnipod

Omnipod Systems Multiple Daily Injections Traditional Pumps
Tubeless and tangle-proof Checked Checked
No Multiple Daily Shots Checked Checked
Continuous Insulin Delivery Checked Checked

Ready to go? So are we.

Ready to ditch the multiple daily injections or send your tubed pump packing? The first step is checking your insurance coverage. Unlike traditional tubed pumps, Omnipod may be covered by your private pharmacy plan. And we’ll talk to your insurance plan(s) for you, no commitment necessary.