Omnipod® 5 HCP:
Dexcom G7 FAQs

Is Omnipod® 5 compatible with the Dexcom G7 CGM?

When can I prescribe Omnipod® 5 with Dexcom G7 integration to my patients?

Will my patients need a new Omnipod® 5 Controller or App when Dexcom G7 CGM compatibility is available?

Will my patients need new Omnipod® 5 Pods when Dexcom G7 CGM compatibility is available?

Will adaptivity re-start when users switch to Dexcom G7 CGM when available?

If my patients start Omnipod® 5 today, will they be able to upgrade to Omnipod® 5 with Dexcom G7 integration if desired?

Will the Dexcom G6 CGM still be available while Dexcom G7 CGM is in market?

Is there a new NDC code for the Omnipod® 5 Pods compatible with Dexcom G7?

How will the new Omnipod® 5 Pods compatible with Dexcom G7 be listed in the EHR system?

Is there a difference between the Omnipod® 5 Pod that is compatible with Dexcom G6 and the Omnipod® 5 Pod that is compatible with Dexcom G7?

What is the Dexcom G7 CGM System?

Is there a difference in coverage for Omnipod® 5 with Dexcom G6 integration vs Omnipod® 5 with Dexcom G7 integration?

Is there a cost difference for Omnipod® 5 with Dexcom G6 integration vs Omnipod® 5 with Dexcom G7 integration?

Are there plans for the Omnipod® 5 App for iPhone to be compatible with Dexcom G7?

INS-OHS-02-2023-00025 v3.0