Omnipod® 5 FAQs: Data management

Have questions about how data is managed ? Here are some of the most popular questions regarding Data Management.

What data management system is Omnipod® 5 compatible with?

Can an HCP use Glooko®?

How does a patient connect to Glooko®?

When will Omnipod® 5 be integrated with Dexcom Clarity?

How will my HCP access my diabetes data in Glooko®?

Where can a patient find their HCP’s Glooko® ProConnect Code?

Can a patient connect from their smartphone?

Can a patient stop sharing their data with Glooko®?

Can a patient delete all previously shared data from Glooko®?

Can an HCP connect on behalf of their patient?

How does a patient know they are successfully connected to Glooko®?

What if a user already has a Glooko® account?

What if a user does not already have a Glooko® account?

What is different in Glooko for Omnipod® 5 System vs. Omnipod DASH® or Omnipod® System?

Where can patients and HCPs view data in Glooko®?

How does an HCP know if their patient is connected to Glooko®?

Can a user plug their Omnipod® 5 Controller or mobile phone into a computer to upload data? What about a Glooko® Transmitter or Kiosk?

How often is new data available in Glooko®?

Is data transferred to Glooko®?

How is data shared with a patient’s care team?

If a patient was using Omnipod® 5 System for some time before connecting to Glooko®, will all the data be uploaded, or just new data from that point on?

Can the Omnipod® 5 Controller data be uploaded to a data management system?

Can a patient connect to Glooko® and Dexcom Clarity?

How should a patient choose which data management system to connect to?

How does a user know what glucose value was entered in the SmartBolus calculator when they look at the bolus results in Glooko® reports?

If a user gets a new Omnipod® 5 System Controller, do they need to relink to Glooko®?

Why should I sign up to Glooko?

I am nervous about sharing my data with Glooko, how do I know my data is safe when I share it ?

My omnipod 5 pump setting are old/missing in my Glooko Report

What if a user has a Dexcom already connected to Glooko®?

If a user is connected to Dexcom Clarity and Glooko®, will the reports ever show different data for the same time period?

Why is there a CGM value shown in a Glooko® report when the user was in Limited Mode?

Why is there a CGM value shown in a Dexcom Clarity report when the user was in Limited Mode?

Can users see insulin data in the Dexcom Follow app?

Check questions about other topics

Check questions about, Omnipod 5, Troubleshooting, SmartAdjust™ technology, Data management, Controller, Glucose monitoring and Availability & Access.