Supplier Name: Insulet International Limited
Publication Date: April 2024
This document has been prepared in accordance with the UK Government Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/21 in order to fulfill the requirements of the National Health Service (NHS) net zero supplier roadmap.
Commitment to Achieving Net Zero:
Insulet International Limited (Insulet) is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions in its United Kingdom (UK) operations by 2050.
Baseline Emissions Footprint:
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.
Baseline Year: 2022 | |
Additional details relating to the baseline emissions calculations: Our baseline is for the 2022 calendar year (January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022) and includes all UK Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Operational Control methodology. It also includes the required elements of UK Scope 3 emissions, as outlined in the technical requirements of PPN 06/21 and summarized below. Scope 3 emissions have been calculated based on the best available information at the time and are subject to further refinement over time as more detailed information becomes available. Refer to the footnotes below for additional details on calculation methodology. | |
Baseline Year Emissions | |
Emissions | Total (tCO2e) |
Scope 1: | 5 |
Scope 2: | 281 – Location-based 0 – Market-based |
Scope 3 (Included Sources): | 1,042 |
Category 4: Upstream Transportation & Distribution 2 | N/A |
Category 5: Waste Generated in Operations3 | 0 |
Category 6: Business Travel4,5 | 653 |
Category 7: Employee Commuting6 | 83 |
Category 9: Downstream Transportation & Distribution2 | 306 |
Total Emissions: | 1,075 – Location-based 1,047 – Market-based |
2 All upstream transportation and distribution related emissions occur prior to the import of products into the UK. As such, the emissions related to the reporting company’s transportation and distribution within the UK are entirely downstream and allocated to Category 9
3 Insulet’s UK waste emissions are considered de minimis (.27t) and are rounded to zero.
4 Includes the following sources: Air Travel, Rental Car Travel, Personal Car Travel, Rail Travel, and Hotel Stay. Taxi/Other Ground Transportation is not included due to data limitations, though we estimate it would be very small compared to other means of business travel.
5 Includes any transportation/travel which has an origin and/or destination in the UK. For example, the emissions for the full length of a flight taken from Boston to London are included in the above-reported figures.
6 Includes estimated emissions from both commuting and telecommuting (remote work) and is based on data collected in a survey sent to all UK-based Insulet employees.
Current Emissions Reporting:
Reporting Year: 2023 | |
Emissions | Total (tCO2e) |
Scope 1: | 5 |
Scope 2: | 30 – Location-based 0 – Market-based |
Scope 3 (Included Sources): | 1,902 |
Category 4: Upstream Transportation & Distribution 7 | N/A |
Category 5: Waste Generated in Operations8 | 0 |
Category 6: Business Travel9,10 | 1,414 |
Category 7: Employee Commuting11 | 101 |
Category 9: Downstream Transportation & Distribution7 | 387 |
Total Emissions: | 1,937 – Location-based 1,907 – Market-based |
7 All upstream transportation and distribution related emissions occur prior to the import of products into the UK. As such, the emissions related to the reporting company’s transportation and distribution within the UK are entirely downstream and allocated to Category 9
8 Insulet’s UK waste emissions are considered de minimis (.14t) and are rounded to zero.
9 Includes the following sources: Air Travel, Rental Car Travel, Personal Car Travel, Rail Travel, and Hotel Stay. Taxi/Other Ground Transportation is not included due to data limitations, though we estimate it would be very small compared to other means of business travel.
10 Includes any transportation/travel which has an origin and/or destination in the UK. For example, the emissions for the full length of a flight taken from Boston to London are included in the above-reported figures.
11 Includes estimated emissions from both commuting and telecommuting (remote work) and is based on data collected in a survey sent to all UK-based Insulet employees in 2022, extrapolated for the 2023 reporting year based on the relative number of UK-based employees from 2022 to 2023.
Emissions Reduction Targets:
We are in the process of defining an enterprise-wide greenhouse gas reduction roadmap with interim targets at the Insulet Corporation (parent company) level, and will publish the details of this plan in a later report.
In the meantime, we aim for our UK market-based emissions to decrease over the next five years to 995 tCO2e by 2027. This is a reduction of 5%.
Progress against the 2050 target can be seen in the graph below:

Carbon Reduction Projects:
Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives: The following environmental management measures and projects have already been implemented. Note that these were implemented before we completed our first emissions baseline, and as such are not captured in the chart above:
- Procurement of 100% renewable energy for our London office through a green tariff
- Implementation of energy efficiency initiatives such as: replacement of lights with LEDs as they need replacing, and installation of Passive Infrared Sensors for lighting
- Reduction of transportation and distribution emissions through the (partial) use of electric vehicles by our parcel delivery partner
Future Carbon Reduction Initiatives: In the future, we plan to implement further measures such as:
- Collaborating with our company car provider to transition to an electric fleet.
- Continuing to work with our distribution partners to continue to reduce the emissions intensity of their fleet. Note that our main parcel delivery provider in the UK has a Science Based Target to reach Net Zero by 2040. To achieve this goal, they plan to continue to reduce the emissions of their fleet through both electrification and the use of hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) as fuel.
- Continuing to evaluate other opportunities. We will report further details in future reports.
Declaration and Sign Off:
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard12 and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.13
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.14
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).
Signed on behalf of the Supplier:
John W. Kapples
Director, Insulet International Ltd.
April 1, 2024