Meet Omnipod® 5

Get Started
  • Automated insulin delivery helps to keep you in range, day and night1,2
  • No multiple daily injections, insulin pump tubing or finger pricks
  • Share the load with a system that’s always adjusting, so you don’t have to
  • Suitable for people with type 1 diabetes ages 2 years and older
  • Integrates with the Dexcom G6 sensor and the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor

One System.
Designed to deliver.

Long gone are the days of choosing between glucose results from an Automated Insulin Delivery System and freedom of a tubeless device.


Icon Stop Clock svg

More time in range1

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Lower A1C1

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Adapting to you

3 Simple Parts

To enjoy Automated Insulin Delivery with the Omnipod® 5 System

Omnipod 5 POD Sensor Omnipod 5 POD Sensor
Screen image is an example, for illustrative purposes only. Pod, DexcomG6, and Freestyle Libre 2 Plus shown without necessary adhesive. Dexcom G6 and Freestyle Libre2 Plus sold separately and require a separate prescription.

The Omnipod 5 Controller

Take control of the system with the Omnipod 5 Controller. Monitor and control the Pod's operations using Bluetooth® wireless technology.      

The Pod

Tubeless, wearable, and waterproof**, the Pod, with built-in SmartAdjust™ technology, sits on the body and automatically adjusts insulin delivery for up to 3 days or 72 hours. 

The Sensor

Continuously sends glucose values to the Pod, so you can get real-time data† without the finger pricks. The Dexcom G6 and FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensors are sold separately and require a separate prescription§
The Pod and sensor need to be in ‘line of sight’ to stay in Automated Mode. Placing them on the same side of the body allows for best communication between the devices. 

Innovation at your fingertips

Omnipod 5 boasts outstanding design and engineering, recognized by the CES Innovation Awards, in the US, in 2022.

Using SmartAdjust™ technology§, the Pod and Dexcom G6 CGM are in constant communication, enabling automated insulin adjustments to help improve time in range***.

Omnipod 5 PDM CES Omnipod 5 PDM CES
Pod and Dexcom G6 shown without necessary adhesive. Dexcom G6 sold separately and requires a separate prescription.

Always adjusting so you don’t have to

Omnipod 5 automatically increases, decreases, or pauses insulin delivery every 5 minutes, helping to protect against highs and lows, day and night***.

How can I get an insulin pump on the NHS?

Accessing advanced diabetes technology – an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monitoring system, or a hybrid closed-loop system – can feel complicated. Check answers to some common questions and learn how you can start the conversation with your diabetes care team.

Hear real stories


“Having control over my diabetes and my numbers—I’ve found this new confidence that I didn’t have before.”

Morgan M.
Omnipod 5 User

Try it for yourself

Nothing beats firsthand experience. The free Pod Experience Kit* (PEK) contains a needle-free nonfunctioning sample Pod for ou to wear. It also includes a quick-start guide providing you with more information about the Omnipod DASH® System.

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Type of Diabetes

Wir möchten, dass Ihr Pod-Erlebnis-Kit zu einer besonderen Erfahrung wird. Deshalb bieten wir zusätzliche Informationen zu Omnipod wie z.B. Webinare mit Produktdemonstrationen, E-Mails und persönlichen Kontakt mit unseren Experten zu unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen.

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Talk to an Omnipod® Specialist

The Omnipod specialist team are here to help you, we will support your understanding of pod therapy, provide demonstrations, ensure you are aware of how Omnipod works and answer all your specific questions. If you are considering Omnipod you have a choice of products, and we want to ensure you discuss the right one with your healthcare provider.

We will ensure you walk into your next appointment with your healthcare professional understanding how Omnipod could support your diabetes management.

You can start by completing the form below and one of our team will reach out.

Indicates required field
Type of Diabetes
Preferred Contact Time

Important: Please note that the customer must be residing in the United Kingdom to be eligible for the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System.

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1. Brown S et al. Diabetes Care 2021;44:1630-1640.