Judy M

Sponsored Podvocate
Podder® since 2018

When Judy’s not helping others as a communications and events coordinator at a non-profit organization, you may find her relaxing by the water with her favourite book, or hiking, biking or even paragliding!

Judy’s also created a platform dedicated to diabetes (diahyperhypo.com) where she shares her story and personal experiences to inspire others. After her T1D diagnosis at 7 years old, Judy spent many years on multiple daily injections until she decided to try pump therapy. Three years ago, she switched from a tubed pump to Omnipod® and loves the freedom and discretion it gives her.

Judy wants to raise awareness that T1D doesn’t have to limit us and her zest for life certainly creates a shining example. Judy also loves travelling the world to explore different cultures. We can’t wait to hear more about her exciting adventures and where life will take her next! 

Follow Judy on Instagram and TikTok

‘It gives you peace of mind, which people living with diabetes need from time to time. You simply put your Pod on and don’t have to worry about injections for 3 days.’