Jenna C

Jenna C - Podder Since 2021

Jenna C has a very active lifestyle and enjoys being a Podder® to help her support this lifestyle. From visiting the Great Barrier Reef, barre classes, bike riding and lap swimming* Jenna does not let diabetes hold her back. Based in far North Queensland, Jenna has always enjoyed the outdoors and since moving to Omnipod DASH® System continues to do so. 

..I loved not having to pull out injections in public, I didn’t have to evacuate the dancefloor to give insulin
If you are like me, initially I thought having a pump or Omnipod DASH® System would be more work, and not worth the hassle on holidays. In my personal opinion, I couldn’t have been more wrong. It has made my diabetes management so much easier.
This announcement means one less major burden that diabetes can place on me. This investment in diabetes technology pays the best interest for my health in the long term.