About Omnipod® Products

The Omnipod® System is made up of two primary parts, a Pod and Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM). The Pod is a small, tubeless, wearable and waterproof* device that you fill with insulin and wear directly on your body. The Pod communicates wirelessly † with the Omnipod® PDM to program insulin delivery.

†At start-up, the Pod and Personal Diabetes Manager must be adjacent and touching. During normal operation, the Personal Diabetes Manager must be within 1.5 metres of the Pod.
*The Pod has a waterproof IP28 rating for up to 7.6 metres for 60 minutes. The PDM is not waterproof.

Multiple Omnipod DASH® PDM features support how you control your insulin

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  • You can set a Zero Basal Rate if you require low insulin delivery
  • You can set Fractional Insulin to Carb Ratios (0.1g/U) if you are insulin sensitive
  • The Pod Site Tracker helps you to track your Pod site locations.
  • You can set various presets on the Omnipod DASH® PDM to establish favourites, tag your activities and personalise insulin delivery based on your daily routine
Omnipod 5 PDM POD Dexcom Right MMOL
Omnipod 5 PDM POD Dexcom Right MMOL

Omnipod® 5
Tubeless, automated insulin adjustments

Omnipod® 5, the first wearable, tubeless, hybrid closed loop system integrated with Dexcom G6, is now CE marked for people with type 1 diabetes aged 2 years and older.

The Omnipod® 5 System works with the Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System to continuously adapt and automatically deliver basal insulin according to your personal needs.